Is Sitting In Your Office Really That Bad?

What is YOUR total sedentary time on an average workday? Sedentary time includes sitting, reclining, and lying down outside of your nighttime/bedtime sleep, so this includes breakfast, commute, work, lunch, commute, dinner, and evening activities. Go ahead, add it up…

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Why Switched To Standing Desk ? | DubaB8 Ergonomic Desk

‘Sitting is more dangerous than smoking, kills more people than HIV and is more treacherous than parachuting. We are sitting ourselves to death.” You’ve probably heard the ‘sitting is the new smoking’ line before. But while Dr James Levine, director…

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Blame the Office Chair, Not the User

Ergonomic researchers are concerned with the designs of the office space that is chairs, tables/desks, monitors et cetera to achieve maximum comfort for workers to allow for good health. This includes keeping workers energised and having their spines aligned to…

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5 Benefits as Early Risers

“Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise” – Ben Franklin, famously “The early morning has gold in its mouth,” said Benjamin Franklin. The analogy by Franklin is by no means long drawn because getting…

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